Citracit, Adrien Guillet
Saturday 30 September 2017, 5-9 pm
Latin Capital Letter C
Adrien Guillet
Boutique de cadeaux souvenir []
Running parallel with “This Woman Could Sleep in Water” and in a coproduction with Théâtre Brétigny, Adrien Guillet is showing work on the patio and in the hall of the theater. From 23 September to 13 December, he will present Citracit, his response to the theme chosen by Théâtre Brétigny for the first part of the season, “L'Effet Papillon” (Butterfly Effect).
Citracit (Compagnie transafricaine Citroën) is the name of a travel agency launched by the French automobile maker Citroën that was supposed to link Paris and Timbuktu but never saw the light of day. Considerable effort was later made to wipe out every trace of the project.
Fascinated by the avant-garde publicity strategies of André Citröen and the aura of mystery that surrounds the failure of this tourist venture, the artist Adrien Guillet offers us a bit of alternate history in the form of a shop selling souvenir gifts, This shop brings together a collection of objects (ceramic sculptures, wooden masks, collages, clothing and accessories) that would have been sold in the boutiques and stores in the hotels run by this tour operator.
A graduate of HEAD in Geneva with a master’s degree in Contemporary Art Practices, Adrien Guillet has recently shown his work in the exhibitions “Emporium of Benevolent Data” (Corner College, Zurich) and “L'agence de Voyage Citracit” (Indice 50, Paris). His experiments have taken a theoretical and visual turn via painting, sculpture, publishing, and installation work. He draws on a number of areas simultaneously, semiology, philosophy, marketing, and economics to shed light on the almost cultural relationship we have with form.
For further information about Théâtre Brétigny's programme:
- Adrien Guillet Citracit 22.09—13.12.17 (Exhibitions)